Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Small tales .....

He touched her soul with his words,
"Ah ! This is the place that hurt the most" she said

Ways to reach God !

Lots of ways to reach God,
I chose love ~ Rumi

Doors of heart

If the doors are shut,
Do not walk away .....
Be patient even if every possibilities seems close ......
The friend has secret ways known to no one else ~ Rumi

Wash the dust !

Wash the dust from your soul and heart with the wisdom's water ~ Rumi

Candle in the heart !

There is a candle in your heart ready to be kindled ~ Rumi


We respect our elders for many reasons like they loved us, cared for us and provide for our living , but we need to respect our younger generation so that we can be respected .

Love is beautiful

Just to think you are in love is so beautiful, imagine how beautiful it would be to be in love.

Imperfect soul

I'm a imperfect soul loved by the perfect God.


Luxury once enjoyed, becomes a necessity.

Monday, 1 February 2016

Forces of blanket

The magnetic forces of blanket are directly proportional to drop in temperature